July 31, 2006

Going cuckoo in the loo

How ironic is it that I'm having mental constipation over the fact that I'm supposed to be writing about chronic constipation?

See, this is what I am looking for in a job --- the experience of actually living and breathing it. Immersing myself in...yet to be excreted shit of a brain.

Funny that I get a job that requires me to write...especially when I'm in the middle of an excruciating writer's block.

Look at me. I can only write sentences one at a time. I've lost my power over paragraphs! Okay that's three sentences now. Four. Okay five, is this a paragraph now?

Recipe for a kick-ass weekend in 9 steps.

1. 4 stuffed animals from that mechanical claw thingy at the arcade. I've never snagged one miserable critter from that machine and wouldn't you know it, we got 4! *does an epileptic victory dance*

2. Seeing David Sedaris and having him sign that funny little exchange on my book. He has the most adorable lisp, and hearing him read out some of his stuff live was really enjoyable. It's nice to have a mental recording of his voice so I can just imagine it while reading. *starts sniggering to Tapeworm*

3. The cup. I won a prize during the book signing. This weekend has "LUCK" written all over it.

4. Razorback live. Manuel Legarda and Tirso Ripoll. I'm not worthy.

5. I saw the ultimate crush again at the arcade having his way with a kiddie game. Ehehehe. I was used to see him wandering around almost every week last year. It stopped right around the second half of last year. I thought he might have left the country. Or died. Since March of this year, he's managed to materialize at least once a month. I'm studying my timeline, and the girl in me wishes that this is a sign. The realist in me says that this is just a representation of the cosmic irony: Look, but do not touch. That's fine. I like looking.

6. Crash by J.G. Ballard. What a trip!

7. Iris. Kate Winslet and I have come along way since that preposterous movie Titanic.

8. Oscar Wilde! Re-reading The Portrait of Dorian Gray.

9. Afternoon tea with Jean-Paul Sartre, and bite size sandwiches over Existentialism.

So all in all, this is the happiest weekend I've had in 4 months! A rather large improvement. Pardon me if it's too protruding. Hahaha. *Whistles to herself as she enjoys a private joke*

July 23, 2006


Written on:
May 28, 2006
11:45 PM

When the mind is befuddled by thoughts of unrelenting violence, the need to inflict tremendous pain via decapitation or shoving your fist right smack through layers of skin, muscle, and bones, and then gripping the other’s spleen until it bursts --- feeling the mesh of flesh, tissue, and blood in the spaces in between your fingers before pulling your hand out, staring at the mess and then licking the blood off of your fingers, smearing it all over your face, the pale skin of your face tainted with black and red, blood lust surging through your veins and you know that YOU WANT MORE --- that is when you realize you’re going up against a very long one sentence-paragraph.

Instead of going for her jugular vein, I restrained myself. Because I already knew for a long time. And I’d like to believe that all this time, I was just not waiting for a reason to indulge in a rampage of uncivilized atrocities, and that in fact I did have a friend somewhere in IT.

I wait until nature subjects me to corrosion and transforms my outermost layer into something more human compared to the animal rawness I’ve morphed into for that 24 hours. An evolution into a higher and sturdier form contra a de-evolution to a lower and crude form.

I give people credit---and apparently more than what half of you deserve, and less to what the other half amounts to. (geek observation: I pulled a Bilbo Baggins right there!) I also developed over the past year a tendency to have faith in the goodness of people, moreso my friends---Boho or not. Wow. Did I get screwed? Or did I get screwed? Looking at the situation now, I would say YES. BOTH WAYS. Boy, is my ass going to be fucking sore.

So now I do the decent thing: sacrifice a lamb to the almighty Hera and heed for retribution through an onslaught of venereal disease. Leave it to the gods and continue shearing the sheep.


To the almighty being/beings, because yes, I believe there has got to be some screwed up being out there who gets the kicks out of this crap (I didn’t become an agnostic for nothing, you know),

After 20 years of painstaking monotony (that in hindsight now seems like a breeze and as dense as cotton candy), I’d just like to say good job for the two-year crash course. Toast all around!

Adultery, infidelity, cowardice, failure, death, love, murder, drugs, sex, hatred, leeches, friends, pseudo friends, parasites, credit cards, anemia, debts, cancer, aneurysm, employment, unemployment, abortion (not mine), babies (not mine), moving out, marriage, treachery, the human frailty, the orgasm reached by listening to NIN full blast, and the absurdity of lizard sex.

Did I miss out anything? Is there anything else? Props to you man. I can take it. I’m a fast learner.

July 13, 2006

Things That Made Me (Insert Emotion Here) Today...Part I

Flinch with DISGUST:

(To self) Why oh why? Have you no knowledge of controlling your impulses? Chuck it away so that you won't be tempted next time. Tsk tsk. I am starting to pity you, and frankly, you're becoming a joke. Ha. ha. ha. You are quite the clown. (kicks own ass)

GIDDY as a fangirl:

Helena Bonham-Carter! Bellatrix Lestrange!

July 10, 2006

The Toxicity of Inter-Personal Relationships

4:00 AM

It is in this ungodly hour that you start hating yourself for not being able to control your brain. Sometimes it takes tactical diversion, meticulous concentration, skirting through the jungle recesses of the madness that is your brain, and sometimes you even manage to do it effortlessly.

But then there are times like these. You swear to god its not you who is doing it but someone else, messing up the image projector in your head, making you see things you don’t want to see, remembering things you know you shouldn’t. It’s a free for all mess hall in there. And it always ends the same way, you on the ground after falling from the 24th floor, twitching reflexively, choking on your bowels. There you are, staring at the sky, watching as a ten-ton vault hurtles downward. There you are, and for lack of any other better reaction, you start giggling at the thought of your impending doom. Thump.

4:15 AM

Questions that need answering. But then again, life is a bunch of rhetorical questions. And I know you are cruel enough to never tell me the truth.

4:18 AM

Before I sleep, in every waking hour, it’s always the same thing. Somebody. Take it from me. Because for fuck’s sake, I’m the only one losing sleep from this. And it’s been how long? What a loser.

4:30 AM

I know everything. And it kind of sucks sometimes when you are able to look me in the eye and pretend the airplane landed with its two wings intact when in fact the whole darn thing blew up midair. And it’s a real letdown that you LIED, you fucking LIAR. Because I knew everything, and I was giving you too much credit.

5:00 AM

Alright fine. There’s comes a point where you have to draw the line. Emotions must be heard.

Carla, I’m hurt by what you did when we were 11-years old (1994). We were playing hide and seek, and you said I was making it easy for you to find me. And that was true, I didn’t want to go hide for a long time because I know you hate doing the seeking part. And frankly, I didn’t give a fuck, I just wanted to be preoccupied during recess, and looking for something does the trick for me. And yes, I didn't like hiding because hiding felt too much like getting lost. You accused me of not being true to the noble game of hide and seek. I didn’t get that. But then you called me incompetent in hiding, and I saw red.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten.

I showed you didn’t I? I hid under a car. And I heard you shouting from a distance. And I heard you calling for me to come out. I waited for you to find me. You said you would.You promised you would. But what did you do? You quit on me and played tag with the other girls. And that really hurt, you know.

Ten years later and we’re drinking coffee. Not one minute passes by that I don’t think about it. When I see you, I remember how blistering hot, and damp, and dusty it was underneath that car, and how I almost fainted when someone turned the ignition. I see you and I see the smoke starting to suffocate me. I see you and all I remember is that you lied.

July 01, 2006

Jenny Does Vietnam. PG - 11

March 26, 2006


I’m staring out the balcony of my hotel room and very much aware that this is the first time I’m breathing foreign air. It is quite nice that I don’t have to spend a dime to stand exactly where I am right now – 17th Floor, overlooking some river (the name of which I can’t be bothered to lookup right now) that borders the city of Ho Chi Minh. And irony of all ironies, right smack within my view is Citibank Tower, sort of a reminder as to who exactly sent me here.

So here I am. Smoking. I get to socialize with other delegates from all over Asia. The only thing I’ve learned so far is that us Filipinos are the only smokers amongst the group. And we are too loud.

Inhale again. Suck in that Vietnamese air. It kind of smells like home. Apparently smog is as smog gets in any country. But then again there is that hint of something ginger-y or eucalyptus in the air. Which is good. My usually clogged nose is unusually dry. Vietnam smells like my Tai-ma, that very comforting smell of oriental ointment.

There’s a lovely play of lights down below. The city is swarming with motorbikes and scooters. Owning a car is laughable in this country, you’ll never get to where you want to go, not without parting the sea of scooters miraculously. I bet when I go back home and people ask me what it was like, I’ll just say, “Lots of scooters!”

My hotel room is close to bliss. I wish they’d just let me stay here for the rest of the trip. I don’t feel like doing the whole tourist bit.

I’m relieved that I can escape what has turned out to be a torturous life even for just four days. I want to quit my job, that’s one. Number two, I’m starting to feel like an orphan back home. Lastly, I want to know why he is treating me like a pariah. I want to end it. I’ve given him too many chances to hurt me. I’m such a trooper that I take each blow as they come. It shouldn’t be this way. If I didn’t think I was in love with him, I’d probably have killed him already.

March 27, 2006

The Air, Land, Water Extravaganza.

Fuck it. If it takes 4 hours to get to the beach in which you stay not even half the day, forget it. If it’s blistering hot in Manila, then kick it up another notch here. I never did like going to the beach in the summer. I prefer it when it’s windy with a hint of rain. I was looking forward to the whole island getaway thing because they told me I can go parasailing. Curse the day that I ticked the option for fishing as an alternative activity because that is what I ended up doing. The last thing I was expecting to do in Vietnam, in the island of Vin Pearl, was to be stuck in a boat for 3 goddamn hours under the scalding heat, frying my buttocks on the oven that was the boat, and fishing with a string and a 10x size of a spool, the island too far to be seen, the waves bobbing the small boat up and down, left and right.

The never ending pool was fantastic though. I vowed to keep my newly bloody red-dyed hair dry but I couldn’t help it. I was feeling the sun boring holes and perforating my epidermis. I had to seek sanctuary in the crystal blue water and just dove right in to drown the memory of that horrid fishing business. Of course it was comical to see me religiously glancing at the water around me and making sure that my hair is not “leaking” lest I be accused of smearing blood and menstruating all over Vietnam’s largest pool.

March 28, 2006

The Iron Grip of the Local Vendor.

The irony of this whole trip is that I feel harassed the whole time what with all the organizers buzzing left and right to hurry you this way and that way when the entire package suggests utter relaxation of the mind and the senses. The four hour trip yesterday (8 hours back and forth via plane, speedboat, and bus) had me crying uncle so I decided to skip the tour and get me some Vietnam style body massage. Relaxing, yes it was. There were tears. Yes. Tears. My sun-burned back was scrubbed mercilessly by my masseuse with a bristly towel. A dry rough towel to be exact. I was whimpering like a baby.

My pocket money was very minimal since I’m not that much of a shopper. I also made it a point to not spend any of my extra dollars. I had shopped for several people because I thought it proper to bring something back. We were scooted towards the public market which is not unlike our own Divisoria. My poor sunburned arms were put to the test when stall owners left and right started grabbing me…and never let go…pushing and pulling me in between them. It’s like as if a 0.5 second eye contact translates to your being interested in purchasing. I think I snarled and hissed at one of the vendors at some point, but they hissed back, and all I remembered was some idiot telling me that in a foreign place you must always be polite because god knows what can happen to foreign pricks. Polite I was. “Let go of me. You’re hurting my arm. No, I don’t want a traditional nightie. I never said that. Did not. Did not! DID NOT! Let go of me. Please? Thank you. Have a nice day.” This is the exact moment when I felt not only like a foreigner (as I have never been one before), but a helpless lone foreigner (I lost track of my shopping buddies) : the second I walked away, I heard them talking in their foreign tongue and I swear to god it sounded as if they were calling me names. All I can do is just walk on and forget about apparels and skip onto the dry goods section.

I have no ability to haggle, you give me the price and I’ll be too lazy and bashful to argue. Either I buy it or I just walk out. What I found funny in this experience was that I don’t need to haggle because they haggled for me. I’m opening my mouth to say something (most of the time it was a “sure, that sounds reasonable, I’ll have one please.”) and whoala, instant dramatic decrease in the selling price. I show a hint of a frown, all of a sudden it’s 50% off!

But man their currency made me go nuts. I dunno but I think the smallest currency I could get my hands on in Vietnam was 1000 dong. I go bollocks when I have to pay Php 60+ for my beer here in Manila, imagine how indignant I was when I had to pay 400000+ dong for my mango juice. Mathematically, when you convert it the price is just the same, but the excessive zeros were just too much for me. It was kind of fun though to purchase shirts and stuff and hearing myself say “So it’s just 4 million for all three shirts right? That’s okay. You know what, throw in another three shirts.”


I just reread my whole entry from Vietnam thus far, and I sound as if I'm on a vacation from hell. Don’t get me wrong, I’m having so much fun. The bubble baths have left me fingers delectably wrinkly. I love it. The evening dinners are superb. The gala night turned out to be okay. I wore a dress. And yes, I sat properly mother. I was given an award. It’s the last night I’m sleeping in my gargantuan bed, and watch Conan O’Brien on a plasma flat screen TV. Frankly, the best thing about this trip is my hotel room. And my favorite thing during the past 3 days is coming home at night to sleep. Whoever said I was boring is way off his knockers.

Ricci, one of my officemates who’s also on the trip , called me just a few seconds ago asking if I wanted to join the group to go out drinking and clubbing since it is our last night. I’m there in the bathroom, snug in my ultra thick bath robe, looking longingly at the tub and all the bubbles. I fake a yawn and say, “I’m beat. You guys go ahead.” Hey, it’s my last night. I’m sorry but I’m not parting with the only thing I’ve grown attached to in Vietnam. Principles, Precious, principles. I think I've contributed enough to their polluted air with all my smoking and whatnot, I'll do the people of Vietnam a favor and not subject them to the embarassment brought upon by the fact that I'm a total lightweight when it comes to drinking. I will not waste their precious beer. Oh well, I just didn't feel like it. Am not what you would call chummy with the colleagues I was with. I don't have the energy to pretend as if I'm having a good time when I know I'd rather watch TV.

In a situation wherein you have a diverse group of people coming from different countries, I find it absolutely hilarious as to how this group of Filipinos managed to isolate and alienate themselves by doing 3 simple things:

1. Smoking excessively in every opportunity (that would mean bus stops, before and after lunch, before swimming, after swimming, etc etc, in any open air space or the establishments that would allow us to do so inside. Fortunately for us, Vietnam, as one of the tour guides proudly exclaimed, is one big smoking area. And yes, that means inside the hotel and even the airport.)

2. Making fun of people from other countries.

3. Blatantly talking about the other folks in their presence under the comfort of our mother tongue.

By the end of these last three days, we are probably the most obnoxious and snobbish group among the lot. We see the other countries table hopping exchanging numbers and the likes, but no one goes to our table. No one wants their picture taken with us. That can’t be good. Maybe because they all can hear the “Tignan mo yung Koreano o, nag peace sign na naman.” or “ Bambi alert, bambi alert. Tangna, ang baho.”

So there I was being amused by their quips when I suddenly blurted out “Does this mean we’re racist?!?!” which they took for a joke, but I was serious. Or maybe the others were also secretly doing it. Who knows? The Chinese could have been muttering “Here come those fucking smoke belchers.”

Dum dum dum... Another One Bites The Dust!

Lately, I have been known to say "I shall quit (insert vice here) tomorrow" and then only to be seen the following day doing exactly what have been declared as a no-no the day prior. My reason being, "I said I'll quit TODAY. I'm stopping TODAY, but that doesn't mean I can't do it at all TODAY. It simply means I'll stop ANYTIME TODAY."

July 1 is the big day for me. Bye bye cancer sticks. But then again who's to say that I will not be declaring that tomorrow is the day that I start smoking again. Wow. That just made me feel powerful right there.

I just wanted to drop by and announce to no one in particular that I am temporarily re-opening this blog. It wouldn't be nice to start the new blog with materials from prior June of 2006. Let me say that again. It wouldn't be nice to start a fresh perky blog (it's blue. teehee.) with incessant ramblings bordering to whinging of a pre-mature adult. I have high hopes for the new one. The stuff that will be posted here are too, what's the word, blech.

So there. I have stuff that I wrote when I went to Vietnam. Random thought bubbles that plague the unemployed. The eureka moment when you realize that quitting your job will answer all your problems. Yet more breakup issues and the ridiculous way the drama unfolded (I knew it!). The human frailty. The Save The Trees Movement. The Hobbits Are Not Gay Movement. The joy of watching Jamie Beswarick, Richard Taylor, and Dan Hennah. That nugget of turd that just won't get flushed down the toilet. A box. And Anger. Hatred. The difference. And why I'm dead-on with Hatred. Rationalizing. x + y = z. Ain't it grand.

And then we'll kill this blog again. Second time around should be sweeter.

Hail The Living Dead. Moo.