November 20, 2006
Captain’s Log:
“Space…it’s very very very very very big.” --- Johnny Bravo
Since midnight…Cigarettes consumed: 8
Glasses of Coke consumed: 3
Number of books read: 2½
Songs played: 98
Songs skipped through: 10
Bathroom breaks: 4
Mosquito bites: 6
Unconscious breaking of the skin: 2
Attempts to sleep: 17
To date…Surgeries: 1
Breakdowns: 3
Cancer scare: 1
Songs learned on the guitar: 7
Piano pieces played: 4
Panic attacks: 12
Movies raved: 4 (Capote, The Departed, Casino Royale, Karo and the Lord)
Film Festivals attended: 2
Songs stored on MP3 player: 278
Addition to the quest to read the 100 books of all time: 3 (14 total. I suck.)
Debt incurred: Php 24000 estimate
Out-of-the-country trips: 1
Rode an airplane: 4
Was allowed to use the car: 6
Blurted “I love Buster" (from Arrested Development): 22 (estimated)
Book signing attended: 1
Proposed marriage: 1 (to David Sedaris on said book signing)
Proposed marriage to a gay man: 1 (see above)
Contests won: 1 lousy fake coffee cup from Power Books.
Wandered alone around the city at night just to walk: 6
Took said walks because I took the wrong bus ride home: 2
Stalkers (Egads! I know! Me? Ha!): 1
Money stolen from me on the train: Php 500.00
Consecutive days I went out and got piss drunk: 6
Single serving friends: 9
Single serving friends I got tired of: 3
Got high…grades: 3
Walked in the rain: 7
Coffee consumed per day: 3 cups
Attempted to write a decent blog entry: 17
Achieved a decent blog entry: 0
Warded off a church representative: 2 (an Adventist from the hospital during my health mishap, and a Born-again lady who tried persuading me to convert while I was having the car washed)
Laughing fit: 2
Sneezing fit: at least once every 2 days
Bitch fit: 3
Involved in a vehicle apprehended by the MMDA: 2
Frog legs consumed: 3
Chess games won: 5
Poker games won: 4 (I suck.)
Carebears won: 2
Some random bear won: 2
And then of course…
Do I have to say it?: Everyday except one. Every minute except that time the anesthetic knocked me out.
And how many times have you said you’d stop: Thrice a day.
How many times has it worked: I’m getting there.