January 06, 2005

Breaking the Saddle...(for the umpteenth time that is)

The Queen of Bad Faeries

Another year, another blog. Bring on the onslaught of rantings from the complexities of the mind of a madwoman. As always, this will again stand testament to the fact that as I grow older, I become more immature, naive, impractical, and foolish compared to the level I found myself in when I was thirteen. I'm going senile and I'm only twenty-one. What a loser.


I'm a refugee from another blogsite. They kicked me out...locked me out of my page...all my previous works, which I poured every possible body liquid onto (drool, spit, whathaveyou), went *poof*...and now I have to start from scratch. (Although...some of it survived. I shall be posting them soon.)

I'm not complaining. It's a good thing actually. There was a temporary period of insanity mid last year, and I've gained some of that sanity back. Took a few slappings and attempted drownings on myself to shake it off, but it's under control. I'm heftily medicated, and I don't do spontaneous beheadings of innocent passer-bys anymore.

We shall see. Oh, yes...we shall see.